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2018 - 2019 Ronald E. McNair Scholar

2017 - 2019 Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority

                    Participation in Stem (LSAMP)

2017 - 2019 National Society of Black Engineers

2017 - 2019 Educational Opportunities Program (EOP)


- Maya Angelou -

“When you learn, teach, when you get, give.”


Volunteer Work

I made the above video for LSAMP's outreach and recruitment purposes, based off of my experiences on the Aeronautics & Astronautics Design of Novel materials and structures: 2018 Study Abroad program

2019 Engineering Discovery Days

2019 WiSE Conference

2019 Seattle MLK Coalition

2018 Bellingham Community Meal Program

2018 Northwest Earth & Sciences Pipeline


Above are some of my shots as the photographer at the Photo Booth for the 2019 WiSE conference

My professional and personal network has been broadened through my active participation in various affiliations at the University of Washington, locally within the city of Seattle, and on the national level. Hearing from professionals in my research field helps keep me up to date on the latest news, while also teaching me the habits of successful people who have accomplished what I aspire to accomplish in academia. Having this impact on students is also what I try to achieve concurrently as I learn to grow, because I am self-aware that I have already passed through many important stages in my life. This is why I volunteer in middle school, high school, and early college programs because I believe that I can help students at those stages progress to where I am at now.

I made the above video of Vicente building a PLA 3D printer for Seattle MESA

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